Thursday, November 30, 2023

Final VR

 This pass, I created an animation blueprints the minion to walk, along with the blueprint I added an AI so the minions would not only walk but wander aimlessly around the space and randomly stop in idle. I also created a VFX that looks like the minions are materializing. I made it when you pick them up the squirm then teleport to their respawn point with VFX I created. I triggered the blade of the guillotine to go down near the minion and it plays a sound effect but also it triggers a new animation of the minion laughing. As well as creating a shock VFX, electricity SFX and triggering a shock animation for when the player goes near the minion in the electric chair. I also did the nav mesh, and fixed up as many bugs as possible. I did do the socket and theatrical animation but when we were rushing to get it done we forgot to put the object in there. So when you pull it will not be in there. However, I am happy I got to learn a lot about blueprints!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

P4V update


VR week 4

This week has been a series of challenges beyond my control. From grappling with weight painting and rigging issues to encountering difficulties in importing animations and programming the AI to navigate the room, every step seemed plagued with setbacks. The model itself presented unexpected problems, and even our P4V system experienced issues. To add to the frustration, Blogger is refusing to accept all of my submitted pictures. It feels like every conceivable obstacle has manifested itself at once.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

VR Week 3


This week, I prepared the model for rigging and executed the rigging process. My primary objective is to optimize the rig, ensuring it attains the highest level of quality and user-friendliness for animators. Rigging a minion, which essentially consists of a facial structure with appendages, proved to be more challenging than initially anticipated. This is also my first attempt at face rigging. The emphasis on refining the rig is important to our project, which revolves around animations and animation-driven mechanics. Recognizing the pivotal role that the rig plays in the overall animation process, my efforts are aimed at ensuring not only the technical robustness but also the seamless adaptability of the rig to enhance the animator's experience.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

VR 2


This week was very busy for me. I did not have as much time as I had hoped to spend on this project. However, my main goal was to get both hands working. It ended up taking way longer than expected but I ended up coming to a solution! I decided to invert the hand and use the same animation blueprint for both. I didn't expect it to work, but it did

Final Turn in

  final link  This week, we did a lot. I did all the VFX. I edited the gun, made the charge up, finished the dome explosion, made a ton of m...